About You
- Is it time to have some help at home?
- Are the tasks of daily living becoming more difficult?
- Are you relying on support from family, friends, and neighbours?
We have over 25 years’ experience providing home care services to people living in Chiswick and Ealing. From your first contact with us, the process of setting up a care package will be as smooth and straightforward as possible.
Our clients are independent people who want to stay living at home. However, the tasks of daily living are presenting new challenges.
Most of our clients are in the later stage of their lives and are living well with a range of conditions including reduced vision, hearing loss, mobility challenges, and memory impairment.
Family members are often able to provide good support. However, is your time together being increasingly spent on care tasks rather than enjoying each other’s company?
You might be contacting us for a number of reasons:
- you’re starting to struggle with the tasks of daily living including washing, dressing, and cooking
- you’re finding it difficult to manage your medication and would like some help
- you need support to attend your appointments
- you or your loved one has a dementia diagnosis and some support would make things a bit easier
- you are returning home from hospital and need short-term support to regain your independence in your home environment
- your main carer needs a break and you need a period of short-term care or on-going care on one or two days a week
- you or your loved one has reached a crisis point and need support at home to avoid a move into residential care
- you feel nervous at home on your own and would like someone to stay overnight
- you have a terminal diagnosis and need support to remain at home with your loved ones
- you are looking for a service that will be flexible around your changing needs
Let us support you to maintain your independence and continue living at home for as long as possible.